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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

XV Unexplained File L08 - The Endless Cycle

oleh Chang Lip Wei, Liew Chek Kee, Sloow Studio


Kategori - Komik

Supermarket strangeness sees Katie recognising a bizarre boy on TV! An inauspicious intro only gets stranger when it soon appears that things are not as they seem! When a seaside vacation spells a sea change in their son, Chris, his parents begin to fear the worst! The discovery of the code '25-08' throws the mystery into a tailspin, spelling out turbulent times ahead for our heroes as they race to piece together a puzzle lost to the past! Is history about to repeat itself? How can imminent tragedy be averted? Can Ash, Katie and Crowley put an end to THE ENDLESS CYCLE?

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